

Page history last edited by David-Taylor 10 years, 7 months ago Saved with comment

Note that the author has withdrawn public access to the program source, you would need to ask directly.


Compiling on Windows


  • Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop 
  • Download and install TortoiseSVN
  • Create a new directory in Documents
  • Right-click in the empty directory, select SVN Checkout from the pop-up menu, and enter the SVN address: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/sdrsharp/trunk, click OK
  • After the files have downloaded, right-click the file SDRSharp.sln, select Open with from the pop-up menu, select Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop 
  • Press F7 to build the solution
  • Download sdr-stable.zip from: http://sdrsharp.com/index.php/downloads
  • Extract the file PortAudio.dll into the Debug directory
  • Run Debug/SDRSharp.exe 
  • If you get an error, extract all files from sdr-stable.zip into the Debug directory, but don't overwrite any existing files (I couldn't remember which files are required)



Compiling on Linux


Mike Hoehn wrote: Here is the site with the tips for compiling on Linux:  http://rtlsdr.org/softwarelinux


Dave, KD9GN, then provided this information in this Yahoo group message.


(assuming you have an SVN client on your Linux workstation)

Open a terminal window and type:

svn co https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/sdrsharp/

This will create a directory called sdrsharp with the latest sources (revision 1121)

From there you will have to follow the instructions you referred to.

I just read the wiki page.  You do not have to compile SDRSharp if you do not want to.  It tells you just to unzip SDRSharp and make some symlinks. Near the bottom of the page it says it will / should compile just fine under MonoDevelop if you choose to go that route.

I have gotten SDRSharp to work on both my debian based and redhat based systems but I did not like the performance.  This was due to old hardware and not the software.  GNU Radio suffered the same issues on these systems as well.  Again, not software related.

If you do a Google search, there are several pages dealing with compiling SDRSharp under linux or search this groups archives as I think several others have posted similar questions in the past.

Good Luck!


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