

Page history last edited by Alan 9 years, 1 month ago

Install location


If you are running Windows Vista or later, do not install in C:\Program Files\ (or your local equivalent) as the program needs to write to its own directory, and this is not allowed in the C:\Program Files tree.  I suggest creating an open directory:




and installing such programs to a sub-directory of that such as:




You may want to keep different versions in different sub-directories:





or you may prefer to use sub-directories such as:










You can use the C:\Tools\ directory for other radio programs as well, for example:








Install of .NET 3.5 on Windows-8.1 fails with error 0x800F0906


There is an issue with Windows-8.1/64 when you try to install .NET 3.5, and it was not installed when the Windows was version 8.0.  You get told that the installation failed, perhaps because you are not connected to the Internet, with error: 0x800F0906.  There is a patch to resolve this issue:




which provides a file: NDPFixit-KB3005628-X64.exe which you can run.  Then use the turn Windows features on or off with the Control Panel to install .NET 3.5.


Exception has been thrown ...


Q: 'RTLSDR / USB' is not in the Front End pull down menu and I get this message on start-up of SDR#:
"Error loading 'SDRSharp.RTSDR.RtlSdrIO,SDRSharp.RTLSDR' - Exception has been thrown by the target of invocation."

A: Joanne Dow writes: Edit the SDRSharp.exe.Config config file to uncomment the line that contains "RTL SDR / USB".  Find the line. Remove the outermost decorations from both ends of the line.


Example before edit:

    <add key="SoftRock / Si570" value="SDRSharp.SoftRock.SoftRockIO,SDRSharp.SoftRock" />
    <add key="FUNcube Dongle Pro" value="SDRSharp.FUNcube.FunCubeIO,SDRSharp.FUNcube" />
    <add key="FUNcube Dongle Pro+" value="SDRSharp.FUNcubeProPlus.FunCubeProPlusIO,SDRSharp.FUNcubeProPlus" />
    <!-- <add key="RTL-SDR / USB" value="SDRSharp.RTLSDR.RtlSdrIO,SDRSharp.RTLSDR" /> -->
    <!-- <add key="RTL-SDR / TCP" value="SDRSharp.RTLTCP.RtlTcpIO,SDRSharp.RTLTCP" /> -->
    <add key="SDR-IQ" value="SDRSharp.SDRIQ.SdrIqIO,SDRSharp.SDRIQ" />

Example after edit:

    <add key="SoftRock / Si570" value="SDRSharp.SoftRock.SoftRockIO,SDRSharp.SoftRock" />
    <add key="FUNcube Dongle Pro" value="SDRSharp.FUNcube.FunCubeIO,SDRSharp.FUNcube" />
    <add key="FUNcube Dongle Pro+" value="SDRSharp.FUNcubeProPlus.FunCubeProPlusIO,SDRSharp.FUNcubeProPlus" />
    <add key="RTL-SDR / USB" value="SDRSharp.RTLSDR.RtlSdrIO,SDRSharp.RTLSDR" />
    <add key="RTL-SDR / TCP" value="SDRSharp.RTLTCP.RtlTcpIO,SDRSharp.RTLTCP" />
    <add key="SDR-IQ" value="SDRSharp.SDRIQ.SdrIqIO,SDRSharp.SDRIQ" />



Having problems with Zadig?


See Marion's story

Note that there is a different version of Zadig for Windows XP, so be sure to use it if you are running Windows XP.



How can I use unsigned drivers on Windows?




Two solutions for running unsigned drivers on Windows-7 are mentioned here:






This is a one-shot solution to allow unsigned drivers to be installed.  Once installed, the drivers will continue to function without further action.  Thanks to Andy at RadarGadgets for this information!


You can use the existing drivers if you disable driver signing using advanced boot mode. Then installing

You have to be careful doing this, there are also options to completely wipe your system in these menus! They are clearly labelled

  1. Move mouse to top right to get menu
  2. Select "settings"
  3. At the bottom go to Change PC Settings
  4. Select the General screen, scroll down on the right and choose (under advanced startup) Restart Now
  5. It says Please Wait, then choose Troubleshoot
  6. Select Advanced Options (be careful not to select Reset!)
  7. Bottom right select Startup Settings
  8. Choose Restart bottom right
  9. You may enter BIOS settings, just go to Save on here if you get this
  10. You will see a blue screen with Startup Settings, press F7 (or number 7) to Disable Driver Signature Enforcement


After it boots back up try re-installing the driver.



How do I use rtl_test?


See this note from Joanne, W6MKU.



"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"


Check that you have installed the audio driver for your PC!



USB ports


Be aware that not all USB ports are equal.  For example, you may need a USB 2.0 hi-speed port to talk to a TV USB receiver stick, but USB 2.0 full-speed actually isn't fast enough.  Some USB drivers have bugs, so if a USB 3.0 port doesn't work, try a USB 2.0 port instead.


October 2015 since SDR# has been updated this only applies to any of the original versions which you may have and use on Windows XP. Early versions are not available from the Airspy site.

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is required

You can down the Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework here.

Failing to install the .NET Framework may result in an "Application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135).  Click OK to terminate." message when trying to run SDRSharp.exe.  Another from Brian Gregory notes: "Go to Control panel, search for turn Windows Features on or off and enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 (you do not need to enable the two sub features)".  Although a report from Dick in The Netherlands says that on Win-7/64 with .NET 4.5, no installation of .NET 3.5 was required, it's possible that he had other software which had already enabled .NET 3.5.  After enabling .NET, I would recommend running Windows Update, as the .NET stuff is frequently updated.




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