Install script

Where can I get the install script from?


You can use this quick installation script to test the latest development version:


Why the install script may fail


If these lines are commented out in your SDRSharp.exe.Config file then the script did not complete. Precisely why it did not complete I've no idea.


    <add key="RTL-SDR / USB" value="SDRSharp.RTLSDR.RtlSdrIO,SDRSharp.RTLSDR" />
    <add key="RTL-SDR / TCP" value="SDRSharp.RTLTCP.RtlTcpIO,SDRSharp.RTLTCP" />

If the file referred to in that normally commented out line, "SDRSharp.RTLSDR.dll", does not exist then the script must have failed
to complete.

SDRSharp.RTLSDR.dll should exist. If that exists but rtlsdr.dll does not exist, you have to get imaginative to get that file. I've described how at least a couple times in the last 48 hours.  It also means the script did not complete.

The script apparently does not go off to osmocom to get files. So by rights it should have completed.

Are you sure you have write permission in the place you're trying to install SDRSharp?

The script gets these files:

It places them into a "src" folder. It unzips them.  Then it copies the specific files needed into the sdrsharp folder it created with the unzip command.  It unzips the second file to a tmp folder.  From that folder it picks up four required files including "SDRSharp.RTLSDR.dll".  It also replaces the existing SDRSharp.exe.config file with one in the second archive, which has the RTL SDR / USB line not commented out.  It unzips the file to tmp and drags out rtlsdr.dll.  And finally it unzips Zadig and places Zadig in the sdrsharp folder.

Now, if all that completed the line I mentioned should not be commented out.  Do you see why I made my comment?  It appears, if the line in question is commented out, you did not use the install script.

So from the above description you should be able to see where the script failed.  Maybe we can figure out why it might have failed.

{^_^}   Joanne, W6MKU