

Page history last edited by David-Taylor 11 years, 5 months ago



In case you run into problems with Windows-8, these notes may help.


Dave Albright N06NO noted:


I had problems getting SDR sharp installed on my laptops.  Older XP laptop installed OK but kept crashing.  Realized it used too much CPU tried HDSDR and it worked good but it also crashed the program frequently, same CPU issue.  Now went to Windows 8 Laptop. Tried and tried drivers on the install to no avail.  Kept getting driver not installed or whatever message.

What finally worked was Zadig v2.0.1.156 but not the win driver, it would not work.  Figured what the heck did I get to loose, so I tried the other available drivers.  What finally worked was LibusbK driver!  Everything I read said not to use Libusb.  But the K version worked, it worked. Yeah!  I am sooooooo happy!  I hope I help others with the same problem.

Dave NO6NO


Response from Martin - KB0HAE


Hi Dave.  I had a similar issue with one of my laptops running Win-XP Pro.  The recommended driver did not work even though zadig said it was successfully installed.  The libusbK driver works though.  I posted here about it but that was a month or more ago.  I guess its true that no two Windows installs are the same, even on identical hardware.

I am waiting for an up-converter so I can use my dongles on HF/SW frequencies.  I have an FM band trap, and will eventually mount the dongle, up-converter, and FM trap in an aluminium box.  This is for shielding, and also I don't like the upconverter's bare circuit board exposed.

It will make a nice spectrum monitor, and receiver to experiment with.


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